Tawwakltou 3ala Allah Zit Zitouna - Zine by Sara Bouzgarrou
"Tawwakltou 3ala Allah Zit Zitouna" or "The Zit Zitouna Zine", is a limited edition sister publication to BROUDOU Magazine #2 OLIVE OIL. The zine was made with elbow grease, and sweaty palms, by Sara Bouzgarrou, after an olive oil tasting / research residency in Sousse at Harvest Lab. The Zit Zitouna Zine is centered around olive olive as an epistemological tool, and around friends / elders from a local café as a valid, non-academic source of information and knowledge.
A reading / ointment ritual was done for the launch of #2 OLIVE OIL, as a way to "remember to remember" some lessons that olive oil can teach us.
"The day Bouzgarrou tried to research olive oils for her publication project توكلت على الله زيت زيتونة, she realized two things. The first is that written knowledge available about olive oil is limited and imposes a scientific engagement towards olive oil. The second is that there are many knowledges embodied in olive oil that can be explored through the senses and hapiticality. The zine responds to the inadequacy of writing and reading about olive oil while proposing a collective excercise of writing and thinking with olive oil."
Beya Othmani
Initiated with the financial support of Goethe-Institut Tunesien